Uptime 15,364 days - The Computers of Voyager
- Originally designed for a run of 5 years, but the engineers explicitly designed for longevity. It’s been a few decades now!
- Multiple onboard computers for redundancy, including voting to elect a leader. (!)
- No OS, programmed in Assembly and maybe Fortran.
- The main computing unit is interrupt based, and uses them to receive inputs from other subsystems.
- Memory is magnetic fields on a wire. Slow, but non-volatile and resistant to radiation.
- Golay encoding to reduce the error rate.
- There’s a tape deck that can store 500Mbits as a backup, but all captured data is instantly fired off to Earth to save space.
- Bandwidth decreases the further away it gets. Compression was added to it midflight so it could use the bandwidth more effectively. 😯
- Probably can’t reach it after 5 years. It’s powered by a plutonium RTG, which will reach its half life soon.