6.824 Lecture 2 - RPC and Threads


  • Why Go?
    • stdlib RPC package
    • Memory-safe, etc. etc.
  • Threads
    • Each thread: one PC, one set of registers, one stack. Shared address space.
    • I/O concurrency: a different thread can execute when one is waiting for IO
    • Parallelism: 2+ compute threads actually running in parallel
    • Convenience: scheduled and/or background jobs
  • Async / Event-Driven
    • Single thread, sits in a loop and waits for input
    • IO concurrency but no parallelism
    • Overheads are smaller than threads
    • Can be more performant when the number of jobs/threads would be large, like a server with a million clients
    • Hybrid: start N threads with an event loop in each one
  • Two levels of scheduling: OS scheduling context-switches between OS threads, Go then schedules goroutines onto that thread
  • Threading issues
    • Data races: fix with mutexes, channels
    • Deadlock: in its simplest form: $T1$ is blocked waiting on $T2$, and $T2$ is blocked waiting on $T1$.
  • Can we consider individual instructions to be atomic in a threading context?
    • No, some instructions are not
    • A 32-bit store is likely atomic. If two threads write a 32-bit value to memory at the same time, you’ll end up with one or the other, but not a mixture.
    • A one-byte store likely isn’t. If two threads write a one-byte value to memory at the same time, you might end up with a mixture based on which 8 bits are being modified. Depends on the processor, but this is likely implemented as: load 32 bits, modify 8 bits, store 32 bits.
    • More complex instructions like increment likely aren’t unless explicitly specified.
  • Should locks be stored inside a data structure, like a ConcurrentHashMap?
    • Reasonable choice, but has some issues
    • Unnecessary overhead in a single-threaded context
    • If you need to coordinate two of these data structures, locking needs to happen at a higher level, so the per-data structure locks are wasted. More importantly, this could cause deadlocks.
  • Coordination in Go
    • Channels
    • sync.Cond
    • WaitGroup

Web Crawler

  • Recursively fetch pages and pages they link to
  • Avoid cycles because the graph is cyclic; find a tree-shaped subset of this graph
  • The actual fetch is embarassingly parallel
  • Three styles: serial/recursive (DFS), concurrent + mutex, concurrent + channels
  • Go maps are always pass-by-reference
  • Go closures are similar to JS; variables within the closure aren’t necessarily copied when the closure is defined.
  • Go has a race detector; invoke with -race
    • (Possibly among other things, it) Checks for reads of shared data from a goroutine right after a write from a different goroutine without an intermediate lock/unlock
    • Not guaranteed to catch all data races
    • Runtime check, not static analysis
  • Concurrent + mutex version uses an unbounded number of goroutines